The Roman Mass Page
              The Una Voce - Acadiana Web site               (updated often)
 Purpose    My position in the Trad movement   Trad Mass Sites in LA  My Rantings
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A young priest says his first Mass
The purpose of this page is  to promote the ancient Traditional Roman Rite of Mass (Tridentine),Gregorian Chant, and Traditional Catholic Morality, and  catechesis.

                                          What really happens at the consecration

This rite of mass contrary to popular belief has never been abolished. It's celebration is permitted under  papal documents since 1984, and since 1988 Pope John Paul II has issued his decree that these permissions (indults) be granted on a wide and generous basis.

Our beloved Pope!!

This site is dedicated to:

and is under the Protection of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary

My Position in the Traditionalist Movement
I  Proclaim Fidelity to Jesus Christ and His One True Established Church.
I declare that I believe Pope John Paul II to be the true Pope.
I accept the New Code Of Canon Law and the new Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I accept the New Mass as Valid, however I believe that it is not necessarily the best practice for all.
I personally hold the opinion (in common with some high vatican officials) that the "Indult" is not strictly necessary, however I prefer to work within this provision.
I pray that the Bishops follow the lead of  the Holy Father and grant liberally this permission as he does in the diocese of Rome.
Although the Pope has not publicly offered this liturgy since his Election, I pray for the day that the political obstacles to this may be removed from the Vatican. I pray also for those within the Church who seek to make the Church what it is not. I pray for the the Sacred Heart of Jesus to save all souls, the protection of Our Blessed  Mother in her Immaculate Heart, the intercession of  Sts. Joseph, Benedict, Philomena, Peter, Paul, Genevieve, Agnes, Elizabeth Seton, John, Leo the Great, Pius V, Pius X, and all the saints. Amen.

Lonn Guidry MD ( host, chairman, and chief bottle washer.)

Traditional Mass Available in Louisiana at the following
Churches:   "****" indicates diocesan approval
  NB: the listing of non approved Masses is not to be              construed as support, it is provided so that the reader may know the status of these chapels.

Our Lady of Grace Church
2552 Kentucky Ave., Kenner, LA 70062-5642
Fr. Frank Kurtz, (504) 466-2117, 834-3432
980331-X, 980726-O
SSPX, SU 8 & 10:30 am, 1st F 7 pm, 1st SA 6 pm

****St. Frances Cabrini Chapel
3400 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119-2911
Fr. Denzil Perera, (504) 488-2659
Diocese, 1st F 8 pm

****St. Patrick Church
724 Camp St., New Orleans, LA 70130
Msgr. John Reynolds, (504) 525-4413
Diocese, SU 9:45 am

St. Jude Chapel on the Bayou Shrine
P.O. Box 70, Donaldsonville, LA 70346-0070
Fr. Frank Kurtz, (225) 437-6337
SSPX, 3rd SA 4:30 pm

Christ the King Church
510 N.W. Evangeline Thwy., Lafayette, LA 70501-4813
Fr. George McLaughlin, C.S.Sp., (318) 261-1225, 234-1431, 235-5400
Independent, SU/W/SA 10:30 am

Our Lady of Fatima Mission
Cornerstone Ret. Village, 308 Sidney Martin Rd., Lafayette, LA 70507-4544
Frs. Bernard & Joseph, O.F.M., (414) 445-4800, (318) 237-3040, 264-1274
Independent, 3rd SU 9 am

St. Philomena Chapel
Holy Ghost Friary, 314 Vincent Rd., Morse, LA 70559-2020
Fr. George McLaughlin, C.S.Sp., (318) 785-0303 (voice/fax)
Independent, SU & TU-SA 7:30 am

Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel
1184 Hwy. 178, Opelousas, LA 70570-0000
Bp. Daniel Dolan & Fr. Angelo Thielen, (318) 942-9053
Independent, SU 9 am

****Christ the King Mission
11054 Highway 384, Big Lake, LA 70605-0000
Fr. Maurice Martineau. (318) 774-2614
Diocese, SU 1:30 pm

****Christ the King Chapel
7680 Gulf Hwy., Lake Charles, LA 70607-7419
Frs. Martin Martineau & Rolland Vaughn, (318) 774-2614, 569-2132
Diocese, SU 1:30 pm

****St. Agnes Church
749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70802-6398
Msgr. Robert Berggren, Fr. Jeffrey Bayhi, (504) 383-4127
Diocese, SU 9:30 am, Holydays varies

Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel
3475 N. Sherwood Forest Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70814-5250
Fr. John Young, (504) 272-0289
980331-X, 980726-O
SSPX, SU 9 am, SA 8 am

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Priory
P.O. Box 706, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0706
(504) 343-7227
Independent, SU & M-SA

!Sadly there is no diocesan approved Traditional Mass in the Diocese of Lafayette!
!!However there are 4 "Independant Chapels", thus further illustrating the need for a more broad application of the indult!!

My rantings:
2/16/2000: Sorry to have not updated for so long, I had computer problems that
resulted in the loss of some necessary software. Well, I am afraid that I am going to
have to withdraw from my current parish.  My pastor doesn't seem to be hearing me nor is he interested (in any way) in trying to make our Novus Ordo liturgy more in line with the true intent of the VatII reforms. It seems that something as simple as a rosary before Masses would only grudgingly be allowed and only during May!! But it seems that we will have "Life Teen Masses."  I will move to another parish that seems to know that we go to Mass to worship God & not for a self help session.  However the pastor there is not in great favor in the diocese since he only recently allowed altar girls on a limited basis. He is going to be sent on sabbatical this year no telling what will happen behind his back, likely the communion rail will come down... Will update more often I promise.

   1999 Rants

Links to learn about the "Mass of the Ages"
These are external links so to return here use your "back" button.
About the Mass: Treasures of the Tridentine Mass    Law of Prayer=Law of Faith
Organizations: Ecclesia Dei   Una voce America - Bill Basile's site
           The St. Benedict Society St. Gregory Society  Opus Mariae
Traditional Orders: Society of St. John    Fraternal Society of St. Peter
Latin Resources:  Latin Mass Magazine   Bible Gateway (includes the Latin Vulgate)
Catholic info: Christus Rex New Advent   Catholic links
The Daily Catholic  EWTN
Marian apparition sites: Apparitions of Jesus & Mary  Fatima
The Rosary:    Rosary & Scapular  Virtual Rosary
Mailing Lists:
Worldwide listing of Traditional Mass sites:
          World wide list