My Rants from 1999:
8/30/99: I finally got the chance to visit Christ the King Chapel in Lake Charles.
Fr Vaughn is a wonderful diocesan priest who has been offering the indult Mass by permission of Bishop Speyrer since 1988. It is at an odd hour (1:30 PM), and the
Chapel is shared by a Novus Ordo community. However the devotion of the priest and the congregation more than make up for it. The Mass began with the Asperges Me .  Father's latin was crisp and precise, a fine homily was offered. Although it is a little longer drive for me I will definitely visit again on occasion!!
8/21/99:   Salvete Omnes!!  As I mentioned in my last post, I was able to make some contacts in my area.  And, behold, I find that another person (Mr. Ronnie Paille) in Lafayette had opened his own Una Voce Chapter and is publishing a newsletter!  We met and we plan to combine our efforts. he has about 50 signatures added to my 70 so far = 120!!  We are shooting for 300, I don't think that'll take too much longer. I fully expect that we will be ignored again, but I feel that the fight is good for the soul.  God Bless!!
6/30/99:  I just had a weekend retreat.  It was great.  We had week one of the Spiritual Excercises given by a holy priest of the Fraternity of St. Peter  Fr James Buckley.  All the Masses were Tridentine, we even had Benediction in Latin. It was moving.  I was able to meet and network with some like-minded individuals
who were able to give me leads on contacts in my own diocese. The signature collecting campaign is going quite well we'll be storming the Bishops office with them soon.  Sorry for being gone so long, I guess I spent most of my angst early on, however I would recommend that all interested subscribe to the Email group
ctngreg  you can find it by going to Bill Basile's site listed in the links below.
5/24/99: A blessed Pentecost to all. My son was confirmed this weekend in the new rite (the Old Rite not being available licitly in my diocese). See my previous rant about confirmation age. The ceremony was performed by the parish priest rather than the Bishop. I guess there was a good enough reason for the delegation. I
continiue to pray for the day that we can freely practice the traditional form of worship in the Tridentine liturgy. It seems that the tap on the face has been replace by an embrace, I have no problem with the embrace but eliminating the "tap" will not change the fact that to be a faithful christian may mean suffering for it.
5/1799: The little things count you know. Simple acts of piety can help you in your daily struggle for grace, and may quietly serve to evangelize others. Take for instance the practice of crossing oneself when passing a Catholic Church. This simple act reminds one of the REAL PRESENCE of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. By contrast omitting the little things our faith is undermined. By way of example if a priest is not meticulous in the ablutions of the sacred vessel the casual observer over time looses faith in Real Presence since the priest doesn't act like he himself does. And what if no care is taken at all? Not a wonder that less than 1/2 of Catholics express Catholic faith in the Real Presence.
5/10/99: Wow, Have I been away this long. Unusual that I didn't find something to rant about for two weeks!! Well our Adolescent-in-Chief has really stepped in it now. The Chinese rightly demand an apology from the US for the bombing of their Belgrade embassy, and he pretends now that it is "Nato". Excuse me, I believe Mr. Clinton himself wanted all weeks ago to know that this was a US show. Well which is it?? Please pray that this clown doesn't precipitate a nuclear disaster. Get out your Rosaries, Make the Stations, pray the Psalms. Beato Virgo Maria Ora Pro Nobis!!
4/27/99: Sinead O'Conner was recently "ordained" priestess after only 6 weeks
of studies. Well, the tragic part of this is that she was "ordained" by a bishop that is
part of a group that unfortunately retains the traditinal rite. Undoubtedly others will look at this and paint all traditionalists with the same broad heretical brush. This is not a valid ordination nor will any masses said by her be valid. It has been the constant teaching of the church that priests are to be MEN. Ugh, and harrumph!!!!
4/22/99: 15 children died yesterday. Doubtless this will be taken as an occasion for some shameless people to advance political causes. I can already hear the calls for more gun control etc. Well, I think we should look to ourselves and our federal
govt. for the blame. This was an inevitable consequence of kicking God out of the public realm.  BVM ora pro nobis.
4/20/99: I made a mistake yesterday, I surfed over to the CTA page just to see what they are about. How depressing, these people don't seem to have the first clue about obedience or discipline. The "radical catholic" page was even more sad. Although to get angry at the gall of these seems justified, charity counsels me to simply pray for them. May the scales fall from their eyes soon.
4/19/99: Yesterday was Good Shepherd Sunday. We attended a beautiful High Mass at St. Agnes. Quick, can you name the Corporal Acts of Mercy? I think we need to return to the basics in terms of catechesis like the good old Baltimore Catechism. It was simple easy to understand and the student could articulate what he was taught. Not at all like the touchy - feely clap trap being passed off today.
4/15/99: I am in the process of collecting signatures again to petition our local diocese for Traditional Mass, Please pray for our success. In a diocese with Enneagram spirituality retreats, Reiki classes, liturgical dancing, and numerous other
abuses of the liturgy, yet we can't attend Latin Mass in this diocese without attending at an independent chapel. How long O Lord, How long?
4/13/99: Guess what. Planned Parenthood is going to "help" the refugees of Kosovo by providing Birth Control funding. Yes, after being Slaughtered by the Serbs Planned Parenthood is to see to it that they can control thier repopulating efforts. How thoughtful!! Got this info on the USA Today site check it out.
4/11/99: Today is the Octave of Easter (Low Sunday), I tried to attend Trad Mass in Lake Arthur only to find out that it had been moved to Lake Charles(:~(
I am amazed at the attitude of some towards traditional Catholics. Even "Indult" trads are, at best, tolerated. Many Catholics fail to realize that even "schismatic" trads share more with them in terms of doctrine and ritual than protestants (heretics) and yet they will sooner join a Lutheran friend to their services than attend traditional Mass (indult or not). Yes, this is curious that more charity is extended to heretics which are only our "cousins" in faith than our own trad "brothers." Judging by the size of the young families at trad Masses, compared to those at the average parish mass, I can tell which group is overall more faithful to the Church teaching on contraception.
4/9/99: Today is Friday. Did you perform a penance today?
4/8/99: I think that some clergy should re-think their current views. It seems that the current practices foster frivolous presumption of salvation (a sin against the Holy Spirit). For example the new options in the penitential rite give only a vague acknowledgment of the presence of sin in the world - not at all like the specific self accusation of the Confiteor Deo. No one preaches about Sin, the reality of hell and the real possibility of eternal damnation. Every one seems to operate under the erroneous assumption of Universal Salvation (or something close to it). Certainly these Clerics mean not to give offense, but they withhold the Charity of fraternal correction to their flocks.
4/3/99: Sorry to be gone so long. An interesting Holy Week to be sure. I have witnessed some of the finest in liturgical innovations. First, on Passion Sunday our priest neither read the first Gospel or participated in the reading of the Passion - a lay woman read the first Gospel and a group of readers read the passion with our priest sitting idle. Next on Maundy thursday our priest washed the feet of several in the congregation - including women. He also left the Altar for the sign of Peace to hug each and every one of the washees. Then, invited all the parishioners to hug their neighbor. Next, and perhaps the most exciting, he suggested that everyone receive communion by self - intinction. How gloriously creative We were all overcome with emotion!!!
3/31/99: How long O Lord, how long? Turn the hearts of your people back to you. Let them no longer seek after their own way. But let them meditate night and day on your commands.
3/29/99: Got behind on my ranting. I won't give you three days worth in one day you couldn't take it. So far my anti gluttony campaign is meeting only fair success, weekends are a downfall. This is Holy week a good time to take stock, redouble our penitential acts and see if we can't become a new creation, Our Lord wills it if we really try we can't fail.
3/25/99: "Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum."
3/24/99: I'm afraid that when we look at all the loss of tradition and abuses going on in the church today we need to see our own complicity in what is going on. We must speak out against the protestantizatin of our liturgy. We must not leave the  teaching of our children completely up to the diocese or school system. We must lead by word and example so that no one has a basis for criticism.
3/23/99: So far so good on the anti gluttony campaign! Hooray for one day without gorging. I looked at a review of conscience given to my son in preparation for confirmation. guess what it left out - contraception. Well, it is our duty as parents to teach our children, so we will, but I wonder how many kids go untaught about this issue?
3/22/99: A new week begins. A good starting point for living more like Christ. I think it's time for me to get a little more control on my appetite. Really, I have been a glutton lately. Mother Mary pray for me. Quick, can you name the seven Capital sins? Better study up!
3/21/99: Went to Mass at St. Agnes today, truly beautiful Tridentine high Mass.
But even more important was that the homily was not the usual psycho babble feel-good-about-yourself talk. The young priest (there is hope for the future) managed to hit us all between the eyes, but with all charity. I left edified, glad that I made the 60 mile trip but saddened that we don't have the Indult here in Lafayette.
3/20/99: Today is saturday. How long has it been since your last confession? Remember when we reverenced God in the Eucharist so much that we dare not receive if we had any doubt whether in mortal sin or not? True, the "old way" may have fostered scruples in some, but what is worse scruples or the sin of presumption compounded by sacrilegious communion?
3/19/99: Have a Blessed St. Josephs Day!
3/18/99: I'm beginning to get a little more than irritated when so-called Bible experts and theologians contradict or undermine Catholic teaching. I will pray for them but I'm sorry I do get peeved. They make blatantly wrong pronouncements with the authority of their degree and seem to be short on facts and specifics but long on offbeat theories and other such hogwash. St. Anasthasius, pray for us!!
3/17/99: OK I'll not complain today. Have a holy St. Patrick's Day.
3/16/99: The "kiss of peace". I wish more pastors would realize that this is an option, not an absolute necessity. Really, often other rites will get changed or shortened, but not this one. One  might get the impression that this was the most essential part of the Mass. besides often some in the congregation get carried away and forget that the Agnus Dei is to be prayed.
3/15/99: I don't understand something. I wish someone could explain it to me. What in the world is a liturgical consultant? Why do they exist? It would seem that liturgy has been settled (Pauline or Pian missal). Since liturgy was changed only 30 years ago, why are some anticipating more change? The mass was identical everywhere for 400 years. Perhaps it is wishful thinking on the part of "progressives". All I can do is scratch my head over it.
3/14/99: Well, continuing in the same vein as yesterday, why is it that I like the dialogue aspect? Because it captures the attention of the congregation so that the Mass is prayed by all. The one down fall In my view of the old rite is that it did not directly engage the congregation enough - one had to make an effort to pray Mass along with the priest ( too bad the dialogue Mass didn't catch on)(:-(
3/13/99: Unless someone is inclined to think that my mindset is all pre Vatican II
let me just state here what I like about the new order of Mass. Although it is rare to find a New Order Mass in latin I like the dialogue aspect. Actually in the 1920's permission was given for a dialogue Mass but it never caught on perhaps because the old style prayers were longer and required more of an effort for the congregation to learn them in latin. Now the prayers are short and simple enough but alas this is rarely done.
3/1299: I firmly believe that the US Bishops should reinstate the Traditional day of abstinence for all fridays of the year, as well as the 3 hr communion fast. Why?
Because when the penance is left up to the individual often it gets forgotten and no penance is done. In fact I would wager that a large majority does not even know of the duty to penance on fridays!! Similarly, the current fast in practical terms gets reduced to nothing - even though most masses last 45 min or less most are used to eating right up to the moment of walking into church and then take communion having forgotten all about the fast.
3/11/99: What happened to Marian devotion? Didn't Jesus tell us that she is our Mother from the Cross? Are we ashamed of our Blessed Mother, are we ashamed of being Catholic? If so why not just leave the Church instead of staying in just to ruin the party for everybody else!!
3/10/99: What's bugging me today? Ugly churches, awful music, and vestments that look like they were bought at a lutheran garage sale. Ugh, and harrumph!
3/9/99: What is this misguided over emphasis on "horizontal worship". Many uninformed "progressives" take pride in the emphasis on social justice etc., as if the Church was not into social justice before Vatican II. What arrogance and vanity to fail to recognize the many schools, hospitals, missions, soup kitchens, all founded well before VII. For me, I prefer to do my "horizontal worship" on weekdays in service to my fellow man, and to give God his day in vertical worship on Sunday.
3/8/99: Genuflection appears to be a dying art. Why? When we pass in front of the blessed sacrament, is it too much to ask for proper signs of reverence? Lately all I see is these minimalistic bows. Now if one's arthritis prevents genufelction-that is one thing, but I see way too many EM's, readers, alter servers, etc. either omit the sign of reverence completely or just bow. Surely they are not all candidates for knee replacement!!
3/7/99: I feel sorry for Altar girls. Undoubtedly some will mistake a calling to religious life as a call to the priesthood. There can be no female priests. this is the constant teaching of the church for 2000 years, it is unchangeable. One wonders why many priests and bishops here in the US push this. They are either disobedient to the Holy Father or they are indifferent to the heartache that these girls will feel when some of them will clamor for a female priesthood. So sad : (
3/6/99: Today's Catholic is more likely to be an expert on New Age, UFO logy, and many other arcane subjects than on the basic teachings of our Holy Mother Church. Satan surely knows how to use our vanity and distraction to bring us into his domain. Think about it.
3/5/99 What is up with this??:My son is being confirmed this year, he is 16 years old. I think it would have been easier to keep him away from the effects of today's rotten morality if he would have received the grace of Confirmation at 12 y.o. as was the custom in the past. What is the point of the delay? Are we trying to give our children a chance to stray away - to decide that they don't want to be Catholic? Why?!
3/4/99 sacrilegious Communion! : How many of you go to holy communion in the state of MORTAL SIN!!?? I am afraid too many. Few do a review of their conscience before Mass, let alone consider confession. Don't forget, "God will not be mocked forever".
3/3/99  Cafeteria Catholics:  Please repudiate your protestantism and return to Traditional Catholic Morality!!  Fight Abortion, Quit contracepting, go to Mass on Sunday, say the Rosary, pray daily with your family.